HSQE | Health and safety
Our health and safety vision
Zero incidents, zero harm & zero compromise
We have a Health and Safety Officer allocated to each contract we undertake, responsible for completion of Method Statements, arranging Tool Box Talks, Risk Assessments, Coshh, QUENSH Menus and all other health and safety related matters.
This vision is underpinned by seven principles that we are committed to delivering to ensure that everyone goes home safe and well at the end of each working day which as follows:
- Providing visible leadership – senior management leading by example
- Establishing a system to enable everyone to record their concerns in confidence
- Recognising health and safety achievements through regular rewards
- Engaging with staff at all levels through, consultation, surveys and other feedback opportunities
- Encouraging collaborative working and sharing of best practice between, operatives, supervision and management
- Vetting the supply chain to ensure they are aligned with our principles and objectives
- Everyone has the appropriate health, safety and environmental training to fulfil their role
- We will also ensure that skills align to roles. This means that when someone is placed in a job, they have the necessary competence to carry out the work safely.
- Safety and environmental alerts and briefing notes to keep everyone aware of the hazards we face while at work
- Performance reporting so that we understand trends and can put preventative action or controls in place
Health and Wellbeing
- Ensuring that everyone is fit to undertake their daily work
- Ensuring that our management systems cover all the key aspects of work that affect health and wellbeing
Performance and Improvement
- Safety and environmental alerts and briefing notes to keep everyone aware of the hazards we face while at work
- Performance reporting so that we understand trends and can put preventative action or controls in place
primary environmental objective
Our Company’s primary environmental objective is that it should be seen and recognised as an environmentally conscious and responsible organisation which makes a pro-active and positive impact on the environment which we all live and work in.
It is our aim, in establishing and implementing our environmental policy, that (in line with ISO 14001: 1996, clause 4.2), we ensure:
- it is appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of our activities, the products we use and the services we provide (so that it contributes to the overall viability of the of the organisation)
- it includes a commitment to assist in working towards a sustainable future, the prevention of pollution and continual improvement of the environmental management system.
- it includes a commitment to comply with and where reasonably practicable to exceed the requirements of relevant environmental legislation and regulations and with other requirements to which the organisation subscribes.
- it provides the framework in the form of our documented integrated management system (particularly the environmental management procedures, with emphasis on management review) for setting and reviewing quantifiable environmental objectives and targets.
- it is documented, implemented and maintained and communicated to all employees and by appropriate means, to all others who are or may be involved in or affected by our actions.

Our Approach to the Environment
The general environmental issues that we seek to address and the general approaches that we seek adopt, include:
- Reduction of waste and reduction of resource consumption
- Prevention of polluting releases to the environment
- Designing and planning, strategically, existing and new services for optimal performance whilst minimising any negative environmental impacts that may arise from their delivery
- Controlling the environmental effects of raw material resourcing
- Ensuring that employees and other relevant Company representatives are trained to understand our environmental policy objectives and that they have the skills to implement it
- Involving the local community in matters that affect them
It is important to our business and to our people that our serious approach to environmental improvement is recognised by our customers, the general public and our own employees and sub-contracted representatives including suppliers and all other organisations and people we from time to time work alongside and with whom we must co-operate to ensure the continued success of our business and projects.
Culture & Behaviour
No-one receives less favourable treatment, on grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, gender, sexual orientation, religion or belief, disability or age; or is disadvantaged by any conditions, requirements, provisions, criteria, procedures or practices that cannot be justified on any other grounds, or victimised for taking action against any form of discrimination or harassment, or instructed or put under pressure to discriminate against, or harass, someone on the above grounds.
The organisation is free of unwanted conduct that violates the dignity of workers or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, offensive, or humiliating environment.
Opportunities for employment, training and promotion are equally open to male and female candidates, candidates from all racial groups, candidates with or without disabilities, and candidates of any age, and of any sexual orientation, religion or belief.
Selection for employment, promotion, transfer, training, and access to benefits, facilities and services, will be fair and equitable, and based solely on merit.
This policy applies to all aspects of employment, from recruitment to dismissal and former workers’ rights.